hufff~ well, i don't have any resolution..............but just one mission. BUY A CAMERA. and if my mom/dad/
hummm i wasn't really feel anything anyway. just like the same old days. but yeah, i did have fun with my college buddies ^^ i'll post the photos later. we had barbecue dinner, midnite shop -nah, it's just a window shop actually =p; fooled around in timezone HAHAHAH (we're so pathetic, guys), and finally...counted down together while Audy was singing. you can see the news here. no it's not news about us =p it's about the atomic party in summarecon mal serpong where i spent my new year's eve. and the fireworrksssss were awesome! *nod nod* it's like almost 30 minutes of show. yeah, i had my neck stiff. and everyone was like "ooooo~" and "aaaaaa~". clapping and laughing to each other. yea it's quite fun that nite. NOT TO MENTION THE TRAFFICCCCC~ *sigh. people and cars (and motorcycles) were everywhere. d e a d l y c r o w d e d. huff. arrived home at 3 in the morning............. and immediately, beautifully slept. ^^;
waaaah mbak,,,promo baru ni,,pijat dikasi daging bakar....yummy juga