2010 is clearly near in front of my nose :D
so I just came back from my Christmas holiday trip!
yesssss...I went to Lombok with my mom for 4 days and 3 nites!
I can't wait to share the moments with you here. BUT then agaainnn....I'm not in the right mood for photo editing and uploading right now :/ so...just wait okay?! =p
I even haven't transferring those 650 (or more) photos to my HD ^^;
actually I'm pretty enjoying this holiday by being a lazybum.
oh and I miss David so much. much. and much.
can't wait for him to come at January 2nd next year ;)
and I soooooo can't wait to try my new baby polaroid (I haven't given him a name, maybe I should think one..hmmftt..)
as you can see at my latest post, David gave me as a Christmas present. pretty cool huh? ;p
but first, I have to look for the film, fuji fp 100 and fp 3000...
any of you guys can tell me where I can get those?
there is one person actually who knows where..and she's my sweetest friend, Yaya but she's still in UK ;( but she's getting back very soon next January! I think I can wait patiently... (or not?)
SOOOOO....CAN'T WAIT FOR 2010! See you in the new year, new hopes, and new life! Ciaoo!
Anne Clarissa.